CHAMBER CONCERT 4 • A Baroque Christmas with Flying Forms


  • $5.00  -  Student
  • $18.00  -  Senior/MPR
  • $20.00  -  Adult
  • $10.00  -  Live-stream only ticket


CHAMBER CONCERT 4 • A Baroque Christmas with Flying Forms


Thursday, December 1 | 7:30 p.m. | Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Rochester, MN
Friday, December 2 | 12 noon | The Baroque Room, St. Paul, MN *


Immanuel Davis, traverso  •  Marc Levine, violin  •  Tami Morse, harpsichord • Tulio Rondón, violoncello


Join Flying Forms in an intimate concert of chamber music including Christmas-themed works by Delalande, traditional carols, and the monumental Trio Sonata from J.S. Bach’s Musical Offering.

*livestreamed noon concert

Neon CRM by Neon One
© Lyra Baroque Orchestra | 2017